lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Nessie and the Viking - (Por Olat Herr Red - Madrid, Spain 10.11.11)

I have no awareness of when I was born. It must have been hidden in some cavity of this planet. Most likely from an egg, as my mother had to be oviparous. Therefore did not know her, let alone my father. How could I know that when I came out of that shell annoyed that my parents were gone. Probably died in the depths of the ocean and its remains were engulfed by thousands of other living predators of the sea.

How could I know that was the last specimen of a plesiosaur on the world. Gone were most of my own species. How could I know that could never intermarry with any female who could never have offspring, that when I die and there would be no plesiosaur never land.

We, the plesiosasurios, which had survived so many millennia, that we live with so many other prehistoric animals and together with the whales had survived to the present times, it is to say, just barely, with so many animals in the last era, beings wonderful as the giant squid, such as manta rays, sharks and scary as antediluvian as alligators and crocodiles and many other survivors of other marine species much more ancient times.

Our basic diet consisted of plankton when we sailed in the heart of the seas and aquatic plants, especially of the tastiest, which grew in the bottoms of the inland lakes of some land masses that shaped the continents.

In our species liked navigate the open seas of the world, but sometimes returning to the most magical places, those quiet places where they could romp at home and eating in a calm. This had happened for thousands of years.

Of course, the configuration of the land had been shifting, but the genetic memory of our species had been recorded yet some of the locations of these sites, where you could still go in order to procreate.

As far as I survived in part thanks to my genes. The urge to cling to survival made me everything that came before me. I tried to swallow some aquatic plants. When I swim and go a little farther from the cave, I tried and liked the plankton. It was the same food which fed the great whales. These whales were much larger than I would be when he grew and managed to reach an adult stage.

Time passed and one day I felt the need to travel and get to that magical place, the place that my parents had instilled in my genetic memory. A beautiful place, a place where my ancestors visited at least once in their life where they felt safe from the dangers of the ocean.

Yes, I have to confess that I was there on several occasions throughout my life. I knew immediately, from the first time, to be very careful. I knew my parents found that the place no longer belonged to them.

There were other creatures that dominated the lake. My parents saw men vessels navigating the waters. They also detected movement in the banks. They knew that there were other people and that those already marked an end to many millennia of existence for our species.

My parents were not stupid. They were ancient beings, and the genetic memory was already very intense. They knew immediately that his time was up already.

Anyway I went there too. It was my mission. My intuition led me to visit the site, the site where my ancestors had been for thousands of years. I found this passage and I entered the lake. Its waters were dark, their funds were full of silt. I walked carefully.

There were a place where it could feed a long time. It was a prehistoric lake, probably were not many more on the planet. But, anyway, was the place that my ancestors had ever visited where my species had procreated.

I looked as I could the plants with which to feed for some time. Do not know why I stayed in that place so long space. Perhaps, waiting with some anxiety, the arrival of a female, as had been usual for time immemorial, and with which to copulate, but this never happened.

How could I know that there was no one more than my own species. With my parents I was the only specimen that was on the whole planet earth.

I swam for some time on the lake. I took the night and odd hours, where men do not usually appear around the edges, nor was it usual sailing their boats.

He knew how to hide, know how to pass unnoticed to other living species. This I carried with me, hidden in the innermost of my heart and thanks to my ancestors who had passed me.

He knew that the men now ruled the earth and had been sailing the seas. He had watched the boats of all types and sizes. He knew well how to avoid, such as passing desaparcebido at all times.

My parents had passed ever had to show my presence in front of these beings. My parents had many experiences with men, but almost all had consisted of observations and they had never shown so often had gone unnoticed.

I know my genetic memory tells me things like that sometimes, when we were much more swimming in the sea, my species had not been avoided throughout history, some encounters with men.

There was a time when a meeting could not be avoided. In old times, but long after the prehistoric era, fast sailing ships through the seas, endowed with a stunning design that our species had never seen in all the oceans of the earth. Elongated vessels were equipped with sail mast and several oars. The strength of the men made up for the moments of the absence of wind. Boats were built from wood, very beautiful. Our ancestors were fascinated plesiosasurios to such ships. Sometimes abstract could not get closer and swim next to such masterpieces of men.

And that they lost. Once a man, a Viking named Thor, he threw a large harpoon struck down Jonah, a male leader of the great herd. The big male to feel hurt neck took on water and closely observed the man who had wounded him.

Was this a great human being, provided a huge mane that hung over his broad shoulders and a large red-colored beard. She wore a helmet on his head and his body was covered with some skins. It was an impressive Viking at that moment he was engulfed in a huge trance of fascination at the sight of our ancestor plesiosaur.

Then, after that moment, Jonah dip again avoiding any contact with the man, and quickly disappeared deep into the depths of the sea, and finally letting slowly deposited on the seabed to exhale his last breath there.

Very few were my kind encounters with men. This was one of them. Those men. Those brave adventurers from the northern seas noticed our presence. His fascination grew. Lit stories were passed from father to son, from grandparents to grandchildren ...

Great were the deeds of these men at the expense of our herbivorous and harmless species, then in those years on the brink of extinction.

These Vikings, great craftsmen of wood, large naval engineers, in honor of our ancestors built our image bows. These epic bows, these precious works of art that witnessed so many adventures, many of those brave heroics.

Our species has always sailed with them, was always at his side, often without their knowledge. Their bows were the symbol of John, of that leader killed by one of the gods of those men.

So we swam to his side, a few yards below their keels, but living with our spirits, accompanying them with our strength, because they were the incarnation of our ancestral leader.

Their bows were undoubtedly the representation of our glorious ancestor. So we continued to Drakkar. I accompanied them. Sometimes when the Viking warriors were venturing into unknown seas of mist, briefly asomababamos our necks above water.

Instantly, a huge uproar was heard on the damp woods of the boats. Vikings chanting surely devoted to the great god of the universe and his son Odin, the god Thor, with faith in their hearts that they infuse protection and lead them to a certain destination.

The vision for the men's necks and heads of our ancestors not only infused the force necessary to enhance your Viking spirit and faith, but also to show the world the skill of their art with wood, stone, dedication their customs, and especially its challenge to nature on an incredible show great tenacity in the art of survival.

Plesiosasurios our ancestors in those ancient times on many occasions visited the northern seas were entirely happy. Entire families were able to romp with all the tranquility safe from other large predators in prehistoric times. In those waters very close to the North Pole Arctic, within the vast sea ice found happiness. And much more when they found the earth in the likeness lakes of the latter, the Ness.

These lakes were haven of peace and happiness for entire families of plesiosasurios. Then there were men on the banks, no lights, no cameras. Our families were the great masters of the great lakes. The black water lakes. Muddy lakes. There our ancestors were the sole owners and gentlemen, there our ancestors found happiness. There sired species and repopulated a few years the seas of the earth.

To the question you probably do now because I am the last of our species is difficult to answer. Should not be at all man, unfamiliar in modern times, always in our presence, sensing only through ancient legends and dedicated at present, exclusively, whaling, whale somehow relatives of ours, closer , and in greater numbers have clearly been sighted by ships of men, or from the shores of the earth. Whales are also on the brink of extinction.

Ancient circumstances, our species had always liked to move some seasons, in their existence, to the northern seas.

There, our ancestors were the peace ideal to frolic and procreate. These habits were transmitted to the offspring during thousands of years. This had been passed down to me, the last of our prehistoric lineage.

I remember I spent in the dark waters of the lake for some time. Sometimes watched ships sailing the lake. I watched fascinated at night the lights shining on the shore. I was engrossed for hours during the clear day with the men who constantly photographed the lake, and I enjoyed wonderfully by keeping impregnate my image on their machines.

I was the last, and did not like at all that men have a photograph of my being. Quite possibly this was also transmitted by my parents, who were careful to avoid terrestrial beings, men, who knew very well because of the experiences of ancestors.

I knew that men, disappointed at not being able to get any photographic image, and no other proof of my existence, threw a lot of companies without regard, and only for the purpose, rather than reprehensible, to obtain material rewards expense of my being.

Me I even found out that someone, a certain Christian Spurling confessed in 1993 that wanted to emulate, making an assembly with a head and a neck made of plastic and wood of no more than a foot high and attached to a toy submarine . They had even put my footprints on the shore by means of an ashtray shaped like a hippo footprint.

These things inserted a parenthesis to my poor existence by putting a dressing fun at certain times.

Although there were other, which by my carelessness notable involuntary indeed allowed me to photograph effectively achieve. This could not help it because during those years also remained in the lake as a ghost, but he was a being of flesh and bone. A living, although many I labeled a "sea monster".

Therefore, in 1976, finally succeeded reflected in a photograph Rosemullion, near Falmouth in Cornwall.

This was an oversight which I never managed to break free and humbled me greatly, and much more when my intentions were always go completely unnoticed by mankind, and not because I wanted to, but because my genes so faithfully was recorded by my ancestors due to the fatal experience of the great leader "Jonas" had never wanted to have contact with any earthly being.

Although it must be said that for many years my ancestors were devoted to blindly follow the boats with the bow carved as if it were the same Jonah, and even accompanied him during those years the brave Vikings never made ostentatious show of revealing its presence because the herd was to craft the longships, several yards away and under the sea, yes, always infusing her spirit, praising the former leader, as in those shipbuilding for them was always the great Jonah the large plesiosaur that had once led to all the great herd happy waters, the waters of northern seas, and had died at the hands of a Viking, thus linking the two species, the human and the telluric dinosaurs.

For all that our species would demonstrate his loyalty to the Vikings for eternity accompany all shipments of Vikings who launched the remarkable audacity to sail the unknown deep oceans.

The spirit of my ancestors plesiosasurios was ever thus united to the soul of the heroic and adventurous Vikings. Both sail forever united by the spirit of the gods.

Being aware of the fact that some men had managed to capture my image on the water, I decided that this should not matter at all. Remained completely outside of these events. Of course, enjoyed it and why not say feeling fun and entertaining at the same time. That made me happy and forget while shaking from my biological system that threw me from time to time, warning this type of sign that my mission here was to procreate. But who would do it if there was no one more than my race.

After a while I left the magic lake and its surroundings and returned to the sea.

I have not tired at the enormous vicissitudes that from that moment through my existence. Navigate the seas of the earth. I knew in the deepest recesses of my being that I would find any other congener, since I was born because our species is instantly Aware of his fate. Dedicated to obtain all the wisdom you gave me the abysmal pits, great seas of the earth, the sea views from all animal species, comparing and remembering through my genetic memory when my species cohabiting in prehistoric oceans, with species man could ever imagine.

I kept thinking and philosophizing about it.

My life on the seas went from a sad and transparent manner. Moreover, it is true I went through some adventures, but I think it is not the time nor the place here just to tell, either because they are trivial and that do not fit at all with the line I'm trying to draw in constructing this story .

I come, therefore, at the time and just, and left my sad fate, knowing in the depths of my heart, that he never would have no chance of procreation, I let myself be carried away by ocean currents that cross and connect different seas of the earth, without clear direction, I was gradually abandoned, lost in an infinite sadness and a bleeding wound inevitably took hold of my soul and my spirit, and thus gradually revealing my fateful destination was.

At the instant of my death I learned that my line would no longer ever further into the history of this planet, in the history of the universe. My lineage for centuries ... that lineage who had known the awakening of the earth, the many forms of life that had arisen, the splendor of the marine and terrestrial species ... my old lineage ... lineage who lived with those brave Vikings, the only who dared to sail the cold waters of northern seas, those who inhabited the shores of the lakes in the dark waters, where my ancestors liked to visit once in his life to procreate ....

And only I can tell you that my forces were faltering, now my body and my spirit to leave and left me so I died and ended the life and existence of the last plesiosaur, Nessie.

If you want to know more about my death I will tell you that the April 25, 1977, the Japanese freighter Zuiyo Maru, found my poor remains, converted into a terrible deprivation, 50 km. of Crishchurch in New Zealand.

That was my terrible end and a poor and miserable spoil, the last specimen belonging to a vast lineage for centuries, finally in the hands of men, perhaps as a final tribute to my ancestors to those old Vikings, who were witness to our presence the icy waters of the northern seas, waters of joy that permeated the members of my species in those distant times.

Olat, Madrid, Spain (10.11.11)


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