domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011


The wolf pack was half hidden in the shadows of the depths of the forest.

lf was a puppy yet. Differed from their brethren in the tone "red" on his coat. Hence came the name. one day, he was captured. It was probably chosen because it is different, and the aliens were looking for a special issue.

ANMUR The man's name was a young man of distinguished bearing, no doubt intelligent, tall and athletic build. Perhaps for collecting these conditions, was also chosen by the aliens, who sought the ideal opportunity to abduct.

Then in the lab and proceeded to run the experiment. A ray joining the two species making symbionts. Both became one, without knowing anyone who could bring this impact.
rom this was born a new being, "Red Wolf. "

Anvik Herr Red

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

In San Blas the stork see ...

Crossing the middle ground of February 2011. This month of good weather, wonderful winter spring that can benefit those who are fortunate enough to have all the free time of their lives, those absent from work obligations and the responsibilities that brings the daily routine of our lives miserable. The worst of the weather set in stone is the concentration of carbon dioxide in large cities such as Madrid it. The expulsion of hundreds of thousands of cars passing over the city every day, drive out and pollute the city in such a way that creates a kind of a big black hat on buildings and floats on the streets, causing bronchial diseases, asthma, etc., thousands of innocent pedestrians daily. The solutions to this quagmire, this chaos and uncontrollable and no apparent solution are scarce and with no or little political will to organize. For a city was always clean, she would have to travel on only cars equipped with clean technology, and that at the moment is impossible as long as car manufacturers continue to flood their dirty fuel consuming products. On the other hand, the manufacturing costs of clean technologies more expensive the product so that its market is complicated, especially in countries with low purchasing power. Finally, be content to dream a future in which the city is completely filled with coves and sidewalks filled with forests, we can use the bike or simply stroll away from all danger and risk, breathing as if we did in the distant mountain infected the cities today.

Anvik (c) Madrid, 10.02.2011 (Spain, España)

Por San Blas la cigüeña verás...

Atravesamos la medianía del mes de febrero de 2011. Este mes de buen tiempo, maravillosa primavera de invierno que pueden aprovechar aquellos que tienen la suerte de tener todo el tiempo libre de sus vidas, aquellos ausentes de obligaciones laborales, de las responsabilidades que nos trae la rutinaria vida diaria de nuestras miserables vidas. Lo peor de esta climatología inamovible es la concentración de dióxido de carbono en las grandes ciudades, como por ejemplo ésta de Madrid. La expulsión de los cientos de miles de coches que atraviesan la urbe todos los días, expulsan y contaminan la ciudad de tal manera, que se crea una especie de gran sombrero negruzco sobre los edificios y flota sobre las calles, provocando enfermedades bronquiales, asmáticas, etc., a miles de inocentes transeúntes cotidianos. Las soluciones a esta vorágine, a este caos incontrolable ya y sin solución aparente, son escasas y con nula o poca voluntad política de organizarlo. Para que una ciudad estuviese siempre limpia, tendrían que circular por ella únicamente coches dotados de una tecnología limpia, y eso por el momento es imposible mientras los fabricantes de coches sigan inundando sus productos consumidores de carburantes sucios. Por otro lado los costes de fabricación de las tecnologías limpias encarecen de tal forma el producto que su salida al mercado se hace complicada, sobre todo en países de poco poder adquisitivo. En fin, conformemonos en soñar con un futuro en que la ciudad esté completamente rellena de ensenadas y veredas repletas de bosques, que podamos utilizar la bicicleta o el simple paseo, ausentes de todo peligro y riesgo, respirando como si lo hiciéramos en la montaña lejana a las urbes hoy infectadas.

Anvik Herr Red (c) Madrid, 10.02.2011